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How often are grants awarded

How often are grants awarded?


Grants are awarded six times a year on January 6th, March 2nd, May 4th, July 6th, September 7th and November 2nd.. All applicants will be notified via email of the decision.


Who can apply? accepts applications from couples and individuals regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, marital status or sexual orientation. Please note the following objective criteria:

  • At least one applicant must be a US citizen

  • Must currently reside in the United States (APO also qualifies), or be paying finalization fees through a licensed US agency or adoption lawyer.

  • Must have a completed home study

  • Must not be pursuing infertility treatments, or be trying to conceive, simultaneously with your adoption plans

  • Must demonstrate significant financial obstacles and the need for financial assistance

  • Must be able to distinguish the difference between "not wanting" to write the check(s) for your adoption expenses and "not being able to"

  • Must demonstrate a willingness to proceed with your adoption plans with or without our assistance

  • If the adoption has been finalized, or the child has been placed in your home, you are no longer eligible

  • You may apply if you already have children, but priority will be given to couples/individuals without children


How often can I apply?


You may apply each cycle as long as you are still in the adoption process. You must resubmit the full application and all supplemental material; due to the sensitive nature of the documents, all rejected applications are shredded following each award cycle. All information from the previous cycle is saved, please just login to access the application; you will, however, need to upload your supporting documents again.


Does it matter what kind of adoption I am pursuing?


We help fund domestic, international, and foster care adoptions. We do not provide grants for embryo adoptions, step-parent, or second-parent adoptions. Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to provide grants in the case of a contested adoption.


Can I apply if I already have children?


Yes, but some priority is given to applicants who have not yet had the opportunity to be parents.


How much do you award?


At this time, we award a total of $300,000 per grant cycle. Each grant award is between $1,000 - $30,000. The amount awarded is determined based on the amount requested and demonstrated need. The amount requested will not affect the decision to award a grant.


When do you award the grants?


Grants are awarded at the end of the award month.


How do I receive the grant if I am awarded one?


The grant will cover the final fees due to your agency or lawyer; i.e. if you receive a $10,000 grant, we will pay for the last $10,000 of your adoption. Grant money can only be paid directly to your licensed adoption agency or lawyer. All fees paid must be outstanding; we cannot reimburse previously paid expenses, even those paid via loan or credit card.


How do you make your decisions?


Qualified and complete applications received by our submission deadline will be presented to our board. The board will review the applications, discuss them, and make a final decision. All sections of the application will be taken into consideration.


At what point in the adoption process should I apply?


We encourage families adopting domestically to apply upon completion of the home study (you must have a completed home study to be eligible), once your profile is actively being shown to prospective matches.


Families adopting internationally should apply after a child has been identified unless the amount of time between when that occurs and when the final fees are paid is less than three months.


Please note that grants are not intended as adoption start-up money, they are intended to help the grant recipient complete their adoption so that they can bring their child/children home. Grants will be paid directly to your service providers; we cannot reimburse past expenses, even those paid via credit card or loan.


What other services does provide?


We do not offer additional services at this time. In the future, we hope to be a resource for all aspects of adoption. If you would like to offer support, see how to Get Involved.


How does the submission and review process work? Will you send me an application?


The application is only available on our website; we cannot distribute paper copies of the application. Every question must be answered in full, and the application and all supplemental documentation must be submitted to us by the deadline. Please note that if anything is missing from the application, it will not be considered. The grant selection committee will review the completed applications and then discuss them. They will then make their decisions based on all of the information provided and on the funds available.


No faxed or emailed applications will be considered.


What if I have already received a grant from another organization?


You are still eligible. On your application, please note the amount received and explain the details of the grant.


How likely am I to receive a grant?


Our grant award averages $10,000 so we do tend to award fewer grants than some other organizations. Each grant cycle, we receive an average of 300 applications, and award (as of May 2023) 25-30 grants. The best way to increase your chance of receiving a grant is to include a meaningful personal statement that fully explains your circumstances, why the grant is necessary for your adoption and any unexplained inconsistencies in your application.


What is the application fee? does not charge an application fee.



Do you need my social security number?


Some documents you submit (e.g. home study, taxes) may include your social security number. You may black these out if you wish; we do not require that your social security number be included with your application. All documents are shredded after the cycle is complete.


What is the income requirement?


We do not have a specific income limit. However, this is a need-based grant; grants are awarded to those who demonstrate significant financial need.


What if I don't think I can afford a private adoption even with a grant from


We encourage you to explore adopting through foster care, which is often low or no cost. Please visit for more information about foster care in your state.


If we have not answered your question, please email us at: .

Who can apply?
How often can I apply?
Does the type of adoption program matter?
Can I apply if I already have children?
How muc do you award?
When do you award the grants?
How do I receive the grant if I am awarded one?
How do you make your grant recipient decisions?
At what point in the adoption process should I apply?
What other services does provide?
How does the submission and review process work?
What if I have already received a grant from another organization?
How likely am I to receive a grant?
What is the application fee?
SS Number Blackout
Income limit
Still cannot afford
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